Monday, 28 September 2009

Olympic mission to Amir Khan joins party conference

BOXER Amir Khan is being asked to help inspire the country’s next generation of sportsmen and women ahead of the 2012 London Olympics.
The Bolton fighter, a silver medallist at the 2004 Athens Olympics in 2004, will join gold medal winner Dame Kelly Holmes at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton today.
The pair were invited to attend by Olympics Minister Tessa Jowell and were due to meet 15 sporting youngsters on the platform this afternoon to look forward to and lend their support to London 2012.
Amir’s agent Asif Vali said: “Amir was honoured to be invited to support the London 2012 Olympic Games and meet young people and inspire them to go on to compete.”
Mr Vali distressed the move was nothing to do with politics, but to promote the Games and meet the young sporting hopefuls.
Amir won the silver medal in Athens in 2004 when he was relatively unknown, and he became a national hero. He has since gone on to make a name for himself in the world of professional boxing.
The boxer still devotes his time to supporting and helping young people. He has been and ambassador for various children’s arrangment and charities, including the Lancashire Association of Clubs for Young People, to encourage young people to visit their local youth clubs, UNICEF and also the NSPCC.
Amir invested £700,000 to open a gym in Halliwell to help youngsters take up boxing and keep fit. It has been used by schools in a bid to raise children’s grades.
Mr Vali said: “Amir competed in the Olympics and has gone on to become a World Champion.
“He needs to inspire the next Olympic hopefuls and tell them what taking part in the Olympics means as he and Kelly Holmes are of past Olympics.”
Athlete Kelly Holmes specialised in the 800m and 1500m events, winning won a gold medal for both distances in Athens.
The date of Amir’s next fight, when he will be defending his WBA light-welterweight title, is expected to be announced this week.

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