Monday, 21 September 2009

Aamir Khan: Aamir Khan felicitates Jahan Peston Jamas of Raheja Vihar Powai

Amir Khan felicitated Jahan Peston Jamas of Raheja Vihar Powai during the kickoff function of the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the H.R. College. Jahan has been involved as a leader from a very young age, even while studying earlier at the Bombay Scottish Powai School, he has always been a captivating orator and prolific guide to those students under his wings.
Pursuing his college education now from H.R. this Powai lad is a sheer example of how the youth can spend half their spare time being involved in creative and active social as well as collegiate activities. Jahan led more than a hundred ambassadors as part of the special task force organizing the Golden Jubilee celebrations along with Dr Indu Sahani the College Principal and sheriff of Mumbai.
Jahan was specially recognized because he chose to have 5 students under his training and execution planning who were special students with learning disability. He involved them in researching and digging out thousands of alumni students and co-coordinating with them from all over the world as well as involving these special students in large scale event management for the various functions to be held throughout the coming jubilee year!
There could not be a better way to kick start the golden year celebrations. Jahan Peston Jamas, core team student leader of the celebrations said, “I'm honored to be recognized by Amir Khan. He stands for everything that makes the youth a 'good human being' more than anything else in this fast paced world of today! I am proud that the faculty and Dr Indu found strength and confidence in us to organize the event. Equality and respect for students is one thing sure I learnt from today's programme. Now, we must give back to the college what those years here give us.”

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